Münster sewage treatment plant
Temporary solution for the Münster sewage treatment plant
As a temporary solution, HUNING Anlagenbau, in cooperation with the sister company HUNING Umwelttechnik, was able to provide the Münster sewage treatment plant with two mobile de-watering systems with connected loading silo as a turnkey plant. In addition to further advantages (e.g. accessibility for maintenance purposes, installation costs, structural height), this application strikingly illustrates the low requirements on local ground conditions for installation of our fully-automated stack piling silo of the SBCI series due to the design principle. While comparable high silos, that can be accessed from below, require high initial investments, the stack silo with a filling capacity of 100 cbm could be positioned at short notice on an existing fortified surface for this bridging measure without any further measures.

Automated loading system in combination with mobile de-watering from our sister company HUNING Umwelttechnik