Optimatic Hammer Mill
More efficiency and cost-effectiveness
The patented Optimatic Hammer Mill from HuningMaschinenbau crushes the substrate and so increases the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of your biogas plant. Key advantagesarisefortheoverallprocess:
- Higher gas yield / Shorter average retention period in the digester
- Takes load off agitators and pumps
- Improved structur eof fermentatio nresidues
The patented Biocutter can be flexibly integrated into the conveyor path for loading solid matter by a bypass. Forced loading into the crushing chamber prevents caking. Swinging suspended hammers used as crushing tools lead to higher resistance against impurities. The product structure can be deliberately influenced with a hydraulically adjustable screen in the mill outlet.
Depending on the substrate, the throughput capacity can reach about 15 m³ per hour. Depending on the design, the Optimatic has an electrical connected load of 25 kW and higher.
The machine is available in two sizes with crushing chamber diameters of 800 and 1200 mm and drive powers of 22 to 75 kW. It can be delivered both as a mobile or a stationary system in connection with solids dosing systems.
Advantages at a glance
- Increase in plant performance with the same digester volume by shortening the average retention time during the process
- Increase in gas yield through improved disintegration of fibrous materials such as grass silage, clover-grass or solid manure
- Reduces the risk of floating layers in the digester
- Improved structure of fermentation residues
- Takes load off and protects agitators and pumps
- Reduction in energy consumption of agitators and pumps
- Corrosion-resistant housing executed in stainless steel
- Work space easily accessible for