WTE Wassertechnik GmbH – Moscow
Functional building with belt supply of de-watered sewage sludge to the piling silos. (Overall concept by WTE)
The Moscow sewage treatment plant was extended with a sludge drying system. The overall concept was realised by WTE. In the process, the wet sludge silos as well as the vehicle-accessible dry material silos with loading were integrated into a common building. Essential system components including MSR technology were delivered and assembled by Huning. Two 170 cbm Huning piling silos with sliding frame discharge serve as buffer storage for both internal and external sludge before drying. External sludge from other sewage treatment plants in Moscow can be received through a 46 cbm Huning sludge receiving station and supplied to the silos through two redundant SP 460 worm conveyor lines (vertical/horizontal). Two encapsulated and heated belt conveyors supply internal sludge to the piling silos.
Supply of the wet sludge silo to the drying lines is through 4 SP 300 worm conveyor lines.
In all, 27 worm conveyors of different Huning model ranges with a total length of 218 m handle sludge conveyance to the individual sections of the entire plant.
The system was manufactured in correspondence with the Russian requirements and was coordinated to the expected temperatures of the plant sections with consideration of the materials used.
Silo bottom plates of the Ø 6 m model range for sliding frames executed on both sides during installation
Integration of 2 wet sludge piling silos with 170 cbm each in one closed building